Why Cleaning Your Home During Winter Boosts Your Health

During cold and flu season, it is important that your home remains clean. There are an incredible number of reasons why having a clean home is beneficial, but we will break down some of the most obvious reasons to help you get motivated this season.

  1. Less Stress - Clutter and a massive to do list can add to your stress on a daily basis. Studies have shown that when we feel heightened stress, it takes a large toll on our bodies. Our cortisol levels increase, and our immune strength goes down. When a high level of stress occurs, it leaves our bodies open to getting sick more easily, which is reason enough to tick some chores off of your list by getting some cleaning done.
  2. Less Germs - It's pretty obvious that cleaning can help lessen the spread of germs in your home. Each and everyday we track germs on our shoes, our hands, and even on our clothes. Simple solutions like doing laundry regularly, taking your shoes off when coming home, and washing your hands can make a big difference.
  3. Less Pests - In the winter, common pests look for a place to shelter, and your home is usually the perfect vacation spot. Pests are looking for a place where they have access to food and water, so keeping all your food in sealed containers and drying water spots can help to keep your home clean and free of pests.
  4. Less Expensive - Maintaining your home's cleanliness is also helpful in saving money. If you keep your home clean, you are better able to assess what needs more attention. Instead of neglecting your furniture or appliances, if you clean them regularly then you are able to keep up with them and extend their life. No replacements means a cheaper lifestyle.

We know that cleaning can feel overwhelming. That's why our Zerorez® technicians are eager to help you get the big tasks done. Getting your floors clean this winter can help you feel more secure in your home all season long. While you are at it, schedule an upholstery cleaning to help rid your home of dust and pollen! Zerorez is here for you year round.


Book a Cleaning with Zerorez Today!